10-16 Sep 2023 Cargèse, Corse (France)

High Entropy Alloy School, Sept 10-16th, 2023

School photo


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School Scientific Aim

Since 2004, the concept of high entropy alloys (HEA) has marked a breakthrough in metallurgy by overcoming the distinction between the main element (majority) and the alloying elements (minority), common in conventional alloys. These alloys are composed of several chemical elements in comparable concentrations, which leads to high configurational entropy which gives them their name. HES, of chemically concentrated composition, are assumed to be single-phase; however, their subsequent developments, seeking in particular an improvement in mechanical properties, led to the concept of polyphase CCAs (complex concentrated alloys). The concentrated HEA matrix has specific characteristics, linked to significant chemical fluctuations at the atomic scale and which modify the macroscopic behavior: there is a high hardening in solid solution, low transformation kinetics, slowed diffusion. This results in promising physical and in particular mechanical properties. The interests for the HEA/CCA are twofold: (i) scientific, because the field of study is still open, despite a real enthusiasm for this field since 2010; (ii) industrial, because many industries seek extreme properties in it: mechanical and chemical resistance at high temperature (aeronautics); resistance to irradiation and corrosion (nuclear); high and associated mechanical strength and ductility at low temperature (cryogenic applications), etc.

In the field of HEA/CCA, the French community occupies a notable place. Since January 2019, we have been structured in GDR CNRS 2048 HEA, which brings together chemists, mechanics, physicists and specialists in materials science, from 15 laboratories (100 active members). It is above all to this community that the thematic school addresses, without however being restricted to it.


This thematic school aims to provide the conceptual and practical bases to deepen understanding and accelerate the development of innovative concentrated metal alloys.
The school has several objectives:
1. Give scientific and technical bases to an audience of (young) researchers or engineers to understand the field. Allow its auditors to increase their level of skills in physical metallurgy applied to the design, development and analysis of innovative metallic materials using tools (theoretical, experimental and simulation) which will be taught in particular during practical work sessions ;
2. Presenting a current state of the art in the discipline, in which the scientific approaches as well as the possible applications of these materials will be treated;
3. Present the scientific barriers associated with the development of these materials.
4. Enable and facilitate the creation of a professional network; strengthen existing networks.


The school will address the theme of high entropy alloys through 1h30 lessons and practical work in small groups which will cover both theoretical approaches (numerical simulations, molecular dynamics, ThermoCalc,....) as well as more experimental ones. (alloy processing, mechanical tests, microscopy, etc.)

Important deadlines

Registration: April 10th - June 19th, 2023

Poster abstracts: July 31st, 2023

Registration fees

  • Industrial rate: €1020 including tax
  • Academic rate: 500 € HT
  • Doctoral student rate: 200€ excl. tax

These rates include:

The Ajaccio Airport-IESC journey (inbound Sunday September 10, 2023, return on September 16th, 2023)

Accommodation (double room), coffee and lunch breaks, two dinners (arrival meal, poster buffet and closing meal)

Courses and practicals


Transportation from Ajaccio to Cargèse

Bus transport from Ajaccio to Cargèse on Sunday 10 in the evening and on Saturday 16 in the morning (Cargèse Ajaccio) is adapted according to the arrival times of the greatest number of participants. The times indicated are therefore indicative. Taxis can complete these journeys if the departure/arrival times are different from those of the buses.

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